This was meant to be a solo picture, it took ages to set up, I got the noodles in the right spot to cover my no no square, set up this crazy angle on the octopi getting him right next to the camera for depth perception, a common theme in my Hentai pics. (2/3 did this). I should have done something for it with my final picture but I did not, rip, maybe I can add something in editing but I doubt it, my last pic was very much a close up. KITTY or Milla or Boop her ever changing identity decided to photobomb me. Always fun, I'm also all for it tbh, unplanned collabs are more exciting to pull off. She jumped in here and I basically had to make it work, threw down my lady poseball with 60 poses and went through it twice to find something that kind of worked. Her feet were all fucked up to the point I went back and took a picture from the same angle / lighting with a white screen on the octopus and then inserted the dark blue one to hide her atrocious broken angles.
Editing was a knight mare, it wasn't' particularly hard but I was so sad and demotivated, every day I'd get on my computer and just stare at the picture and do absolutely nothing with it. I've been in heart wrenching agony of my ex since breaking up but it really just hit new low points over those few days. I had a collab planned with her and she was just agreeing to anything I asked. Whatever pose, any tattoos. The whole time we were together it was like pulling teeth to get her to do any pose with me, safe, lewd, nothing. Now that it's over she was fine with it? What the fuck was I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to feel? I get it, I've been stalking her but to be fair she does everything on MY land so it was really easy to see. She did lewd poses with someone else that never got posted. I'm positive she has a horde of lewd collabs with other people that will never see the light of day. I know of at least 2 of them. It was painful to think about. Doing this pic with me just reminded me of the ones she took with other people, 1 even while we were together and then refusing to do any of them with me. I'll never understand why. She won't ever tell me. This is the medium I like to pour my feelings out on cuz again nobody reads these, they don't talk about the products or anything. This flickr is like my personal journal lmfao. My SL journal. So she's left me stumped, confused, still madly in love with her. I've done my best to move on, I mean I've done A LOT to try and move on but I just can't shake the overwhelming pain and longing I have for her. I've taken on all these other girls but I wish they were her, I'm like purposefully trying to lock myself down into these other relationships so I don't go crawling back to this toxic relationship begging but it's like if she asked me too I'd drop everyone and I know I would. I'm a fucking loser for that, for knowing she would rather be with anyone else but me and letting her string me along like a puppet. Meanwhile I can have basically any other girl or guy in SL, several of them eating out of the palm of my hand, begging for MY attention, people who actually WANT ME and care about me but at a wave of her hand I'd just throw it all away... again. I can count my friends on my grandma's hands, PS, she's missing almost all of her fingers and the ones that are left are stubby. The amount of people I feel I can confide in is 2, the rest of my 'friends' just want to sleep with me and I know as soon as that stops they'll be gone. Happened to me before last time I stopped erping. I ranted too long on this but be ready for more rants in the future.