Naruto is bad and you should feel bad. It's a terrible show and I'll fight off all 5 of my readers. Let's go bruh. That being said the Akatsuki were pretty baller and I LOVE that this was an option for the ERSCH Haori. That being said I also love the moo print and will definitely be making a moo for it later.
Back to Naruto though, seriously, if you have to skip several seasons of a show in order for the show to be tolerable then it's a bad show. I shouldn't need a viewers guide to enjoy Naruto. It's bad, take the nostalgia out of your eyes and go watch something actually good. It didn't age well and they're beating a dead horse into glue with Baruto and you can't change my mind. Though I am interested in seeing you try so come at me.
Okayy but who was ur favorite character??🤔👀