Where do I start with this. I wrote a Haiku for the description, I bought anyone will catch that but I DID!!! I love Haiku's they're a simple and strict form of poetry that I use often to express myself when I'm not writing full on lyrics to songs I'll never sing. As for the picture itself I hate it. I hate everything about it. There's like 2 other pose types I tried before settling for this one. I did a sad picture and then I did a action pose, this hair base I need to blog is just impossible. I don't like it. The same day I took it Cheerno dropped a super nice sweater I would have definitely preferred to do. Oh well. Work with what I got I guess, Also had to blog Salal's Android tattoo, love this.
Sometimes I love the product but I don't like blogging it. Having to showcase these cyber lines was super difficult for me. I really wanted them to be mostly visible which mean being topless at the very least. I could have worn something revealing on my female ver but I'm a male blogger primarily and I've been doing female stuff a bit too much. I don't want to confuse my sponsors or potential sponsors. Anything unisex I can blog from my girl brands I definitely take the opportunity too. Deadline wise I'm doing pretty great. 10 days out on Landgraff is my soonest one, plus Short Leash at 14 right after. Super lax, gives me time to work on the store I want to make. Ok I'm off topic ranting at this point. I hope you all enjoy the picture more than I do cuz I'm really just not feeling it any.