I applied for minimal the store and they needed a past post. Bought this backdrop and I'm 100% sure I'm not gonna get picked xD I got carried away with the picture you can barely see the stairwell and bookshelf. RIP. Either way though I'm super happy with how things turned out here. Little known fact I wrote the lyrics that I captioned. Nobody believes me or takes me seriously when I say I want to make music but it's been a long time goal of mine. They're honestly right though I don't have the time or equipment to be recording myself and putting my songs into places they can actually be listened too. I do consider myself a creative writer, I've written plenty of short stories and more than once I've thought about writing a book. Probably won't though I'm so lazy and a full on novel is beyond my creativity level. I think this picture came out toooo dark. It's hard to see what's happening but when it's big it's beautiful. problem is most people won't be seeing this in 6k.
Don't got a lot to say, I'm losing a lot of motivation lately, my pics are days apart now when I traditionally posted almost daily. I'm trying to turn a new leaf and be positive going forward. Really need to connect to some new friends and start leaving my prison. (my land). Hanging out at Exhale while editing this and I've met a slew of cool interesting people! Now how do you convert strangers into friends? I need to remember the quadratic formula from high school there's some kind of secret equation here I just know it. It's come to my attention people actually ARE reading this so thanks everyone! Look forward to posting more stuff.