My first collab since becoming single and it was of course with my best friend!! I don't want any weird speculation here, She's an incredible person and really a powerful ally to myself and Gene. Loved doing a picture with her and if she didn't need to blog this pose for Rose and Thorn we would have taken a much safer pic xD that being said we're both mature enough to just take a pic and not be weird. WHAT WAS WEIRD was the audience. My god, I like to have people around when I take photos but this one got CRAZY. Literally like 20 people on my platform watching us, completely strangers, friends of friends of friends showing up here. Some of them people I actively don't like. It was a little rude tbh to invite so many people without asking but also it wasn't my real house or photoplatform. This was taken on my old land where my OG friends live rent free.
It took forever too though cuz my best friend had to blog this pose with a pole made by the sponsor and I had to blog this hammer so had to wait for her to get all her angles before I could sub out for the hammer and take mine. To be honest I love how it turend out, its' one of my favorites, her face is a little darker than I wanted looking back at it now but overall I think it's top tier. This is what I want from my collabs, a piece we both take our unique spin on and make our own. Something I can showcase later. It did very well too since performance is something I'm always keeping an eye on. Broke 500 which is HUGE for me, I cannot express how humbled I am to be hitting the numbers I've been hitting lately. Just mind blowing. Thanks Best friend!!