I found out about this contest WAY too late, I tried to do so many shots that were more creative than this, action poses, dope angles that I'm known for. Nothing, I was so rushed that all the creative juices dried up in me like a raisin. I ended up doing a few normal blog shots to include this semi close up and went with it. The entire process was extremely frustrating for me. I love this picture as it turned out but I hate it as my submission. It might not even count I was barely within the deadline. I won't know if it counted or not unless I win top 18 but I highly doubt it. The submissions this round were stunning, jaw dropping stuff. Incredibly talented photographers did amazing work and I'm definitely glad I could contribute my own piece just to be counted among the attempts. Other than that though this is my semi finished newest avi, that hair is probably a keeper for me and at least 1 robotic arm. Tattoo's I'm iffy on, My Little Half loves them but I'm not sold. I just don't like how they crop right at the chest I would have liked them to dip into the abs a little bit. I love some other tattoos a bit more and might switch around later.
As of time of writing I'm fucked lmao. I am so behind on blog posts, spent 3 days working on this then had an anime convention and really just fucked my time tables up. Not to mention I can't go any amount of time without assaulting Gene and once I do that it's basically lights out for me, no work getting done xD Anyways I'm not blaming her, nor complaining about it. Love what we have going on and I've never been happier, she's a real one and a keeper. There were so many red flags in my past relationships that I would outright ignore or decide I could tolerate and things always got worse and worse and I ended up roasted. One thing I've noticed is that nobody cares about how I feel, nobody see's the damage to my life, nobody wants to hear about my suffering, I'm automatically the villain and that's fine. I don't go around bad mouthing my ex's either, they can say what they want and feel what they feel because I cared about them all genuinely and even if they didn't' work out and they're spiteful or vengeful for whatever misguided reason, I won't go around attacking them. It's just not who I am and anyone who wants to hear my story will hear about ME. That's the bottom line. Wish me luck catching up and wish me even more luck with Gene, she's endured so much for me that all I could hope to be is worth it for her. That's my goal.
Awee that was sweet! 🥺I like Gene too!💕 🥺 shes the bestest 😌✨💕