This picture is really great, it didn't turn out exactly how I envisioned it but I do like the results... mostly. I had something clearer in my head but transporting that into SL. Anyways I didn't love it and my friends bias made me think it was ok but at least 5 groups rejected it on Flickr. So fuck those people for doing that and fuck this picture >:c I feel bad though cuz Boop was a perfect model. She even laid out this backdrop for me, wore an outfit that matched what I had in mind it was great. So huge thanks to her, she did at least half the work taking this pic with me and I'm super happy to work with her and keep working with her. This is a two part pic, thematically there is a follow up called Corruption that I need to post but it won't be going on my wix. NSFW. I'll link it here later in credits cuz I'm not blogging anything in part 2, it was mostly for fun and we looked SO HOT in the scene. Like damn, I feel like our faces really captured the passion of the imagined moment and it only took a stupid amount of facial tweaks and editing xD
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