So I turned it UP with this one. I mean for real look at this fucking guy, honestly this REALLY flirts with the line of restricted or safe. I left it safe though, there's nothing technically showing but it's there if you look close enough. Not to mention I teased actual nude ones on twitter the whole time I was setting this up. The hype was worth it because I got crazy faves from this!! Hit a personal goal of mine, 200 faves in 12 hours or less. I've gotten very close before, 197 one time. MISSED IT BY SO LITTLE and I was actively trying to get those last 3 faves any way I could. This one I just forgot about it, checked I'd hit like 211 and then saw it was posted 11 hours ago. I did it! Thirst is real! All your parched e-girls and e-boys come drink from the fountain that is my shiny naked pixels!!!
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